Approved the cultural programme of Cini Foundation for 2015

January - December 2015, 

Isola di San Giorgio Maggiore

6 exhibitions, more than 20 study days and conferences, 4 concerts and one award, over 24 scholarships and beyond 30 publications

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Events in the new year begin on 30 January with a performance of “The Magic Flute according to the Orchestra di Piazza Vittorio”, for the first time in Venice, to mark the 20th edition of the Ethnomusicology Seminar. The many activities in 2015 include conferences, exhibitions, drama, music and dance.One of the major attractions will be the new season at the Palazzo Cini Gallery at San Vio, due to open on 25 April.

In 2015 the Institute for Music will celebrate thirty years by publishing online the archives of composers Bruni Tedeschi, Casella, Cisilino, Malipiero and Respighi for a total of 20,000 items. Together with 12,800 images from the Theatre Iconographic Archive, they will be the first Cini archives to go online

In 2015 the Fondazione Cini will consolidate its academic reputation thanks to the activities of its Institutes and Research Centres, which organise conferences, study days and seminars in various disciplines, such as art history, with the conference on Fulvio Bianconi (4 February 2015) or The Young Jacopo Tintoretto (28 – 29 May 2015); music, with the seminar on Italian composers and cinema: 1945-1975 (5 – 6 December 2015) or the International Ethnomusicology Seminar, which this year celebrates its 20th edition (29 – 31 January 2015). In addition to these activities, the Foundation will continue to develop and make the most of its buildings, furnishings, and material and intangible heritage on the island of San Giorgio Maggiore while promoting the study of its archives, thanks also to the creation of 24 scholarships worth a total of over 100,000 euros 

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