Galleria Massimodeluca presents Pl>ytime

Venezia, Castello, campo dell’Arsenale

From Friday 27 to Sunday 29 May, 2016 

by appointment only

An unreleased site specific project by Andrea and Stefano Cozzi, in a private space, to develop the work presented at the Italian Pavillion

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A site specific project becomes a veritable exhibition in a private space in Venice, near the Arsenale, in Castell: the house fo Marina Bastianello, the Art Director of Galleria Massimodeluca,

Pl>ytime, by Andrea and Stefano Cozzi, develops and further enhances with a series of unreleased artworks, the concept of the same name work, presented by the artists at the Italian Pavillion of the 15. International Architecture Exhibition - Venice Biennale: a short film documenting the activities of Noivoiloro, a multifunctional center in Erba (Como) for the assistance of individuals with disabilities. 

The exhibition will be on show from Friday 27 to Sunday 29 May 2016, by appointment only at 338.7370628.